

夏季时间:2024年5月13日- 7月26日 Monday - Thursday 8:00am - 4:30pm, Friday 8:00am - 12:00pm

Congolese immigrant to speak at English learners event

发布于2016年5月17日星期二  大学现在哪些app可以买球

By: Andrew Wind, 滑铁卢-雪松瀑布快递员

WATERLOO—Christophe Shabani Kumbelu was college educated and worked as an accountant in his native country, 刚果民主共和国.

When he fled Congo and arrived in the United States in February 2014, 虽然, 就像重新开始.

在飞到芝加哥几天后, Kumbelu connected with a fellow Congolese immigrant who brought him to 滑铁卢 to find work. 因为他的英语很有限, 他们转向泰森鲜肉公司, where he started a job working on the line. Kumbelu later enrolled in the English language learners program at 靠谱买球app推荐’s Metro Center and is now taking classes on the main campus.

“When I came to the United States, my goal was to be an accountant,他说. Kumbelu is making progress toward that goal, with plans to transfer to the 北爱荷华大学 in the fall and begin work as a teller at Veridian Credit Union.

The 47-year-old will be telling his story Wednesday and striving to encourage those enrolled in or finishing the English language learners’ program. Kumbelu will be the student speaker at the first ELL 下一步仪式. About 125 people will be recognized for completing or participating in programs, 获得奖学金, becoming citizens and serving as student ambassadors.

“This is also the first year that Hawkeye has offered what’s called the Next Step scholarship,安娜·拉纳维尔说, a transition specialist at the Metro Center. ELL students who are accepted into Hawkeye can get three free credits when they sign up for six. “It’s just support that Hawkeye is showing for immigrants and refugees.” Kumbelu is one of 22 people receiving that scholarship.

10点半一班.m. event is at the 滑铁卢 Center for the 艺术, 225 Commercial St. 欢迎公众参加.

学生 being recognized are a fraction of the 562 enrolled in the ELL program this school year. “We currently have 53 first languages and students from 38 different countries,劳拉·希德勒博说, ELL和家庭扫盲协调员. “If I didn’t work here, I wouldn’t have any idea of the diversity here in 滑铁卢.”

The growing number of Congolese enrolled in the program account for 25 percent of the students, 她说. Burmese and Latino students account for 40 and 30 percent of the enrollment, respectively.

Al虽然 there is an ongoing civil war in Congo, Kumbelu worked in the relative safety of the capital, 金沙萨. 但他寻求美国的多元化签证.S. to escape from the corruption throughout the society and was chosen by lottery. Because Kumbelu’s first language is French and his bachelor’s degree in finance was earned outside of the U.S., he wasn’t prepared to work in his chosen profession upon arrival here.

“我们真的很感谢泰森, because there is not a requirement of language to work at 泰森,他说.

He is thankful for the Congolese congregation at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church and the Metro Center, both places he found encouragement to learn English. Kumbelu enrolled in an intermediary ELL class and then a hybrid ELL-college preparatory class.

“When I came to Metro, they told me ‘You can do it.’ That’s why those words gave me hope, that I can do something better in this country,他说. “It just gives me that power inside to overcome those obstacles. If you don’t have these people who can encourage you, it’s not easy.”

He studied English for eight months before enrolling in classes at the main campus. The courses have “helped me to adjust my level, my skills in writing and math.”

It has been challenging to take morning classes and study while working second shift, 通常在午夜过后. “Normally, it should be easy if my only occupation was studying,” said Kumbelu.

“对我来说, it’s going to be a good day to give my testimony,他说, and “to encourage others it’s possible to study here. 我很高兴能在那个活动上发言.”


  1. 英语语言学习
  2. 滑铁卢雪松瀑布快递员