

夏季时间:2024年5月13日- 7月26日 Monday - Thursday 8:00am - 4:30pm, Friday 8:00am - 12:00pm

Research scientist keynotes 阀杆的多样性 Conference

发布于2019年3月28日星期四  大学现在哪些app可以买球

WATERLOO—Research scientist Kantis Simmons has improved space shuttles for NASA and created contact lenses for CIBA Vision.

But a passion for research and development started long before the Atlanta man’s career blasted off.

“I had a science project in the fifth-grade,” Simmons explained. He studied the company KI8 and its use of polymers, or plastics, in building products. That started him down the path of interest in materials science.

He’ll talk about the importance of hooking students early during 靠谱买球app推荐’s 阀杆的多样性 Conference on Friday. Simmons, now an author and motivational speaker, is giving the event’s keynote address.

The day-long event focuses on engaging students in science, 技术, 工程和数学领域. Organizers expect high school and college students at the event along with K-12 and post-secondary educators and employers in 阀杆 careers.

和主题演讲一起, there will be breakout sessions that will allow for discussion on various 阀杆 topics.

“The conference is held to promote 阀杆 and to also promote diversity in 阀杆,安妮特·斯台普斯说, chairwoman of the Hawkeye committee that organizes the conference. The intent is “to explore strategies to build 阀杆 programs that entice and engage minorities in high demand careers.”

“I think for students there are amazing opportunities out there,” said Simmons. “If we are going to improve our schools we have to make 阀杆 more relevant. We all can play a part, specifically with with minorities and those of diverse backgrounds.”

Simmons earned master’s degrees in polymer science and engineering from Lehigh University and in textile and fiber engineering from Georgia Tech. As a student, he helped develop products for Mobile Chemical Co. before getting involved in government research.

“I pursued student research with NASA’s Langley Research Center and stayed with them” after graduation, 他说. Simmons worked on aircraft, space shuttles and military jets while there from 1993 to 2000.

When he left for CIBA Vision, he went from working on “big materials to materials in the eye.” Simmons helped design more comfortable daily wear contact lenses as well as products for people with astigmatism. 最终, he began speaking and writing books about science and 教育 — on topics from earning a college degree paid for with scholarships to getting a great job in the 阀杆 fields.

“我从2004年开始做演讲, 但从2008年开始全职工作,他说, 在高中, 大学, conferences and corporations “to improve 阀杆 教育 across the globe.” Simmons addresses teachers as well as students in his talks. 阀杆教育工作者, our main focus is helping teachers to teach in a certain way that students learn it, students love it and students live it as a career,他说.

阀杆的多样性 fields is also a significant concern for Simmons, who is black.

“The majority of professionals are white males and so there’s a huge opportunity for women and minority races,他说. “I think our schools are doing a better job slowly of telling women they can participate in this career field.”

Simmons suggested a series of myths dissuade some minorities and women from following a technical academic path and entering 阀杆 fields. Among those are “science is hard, math is hard, it’s for nerds, it’s for smart people,他说. “I think that’s a result of what happens at the foundational level.”

Catching a person at the fourth- or fifth-grade level — as happened with him — can make the difference. Simmons’ parents helped by enrolling him in 阀杆-related summer programs throughout childhood.

They also encouraged him to not erect barriers that could hold him back. One of those included a birth defect that resulted in only two full fingers on his left hand plus a “little nub” for his ring finger.

“我妈妈很早就告诉我了, “Kantis, stop looking at what you don’t have and focus on what you do have,西蒙斯说。, 谁最终采纳了她的建议. 现在,他补充道:“我是拥有7个的最酷的人.25的手指.”

By Andrew Wind, 滑铁卢-雪松瀑布快递员


  1. 社区活动
  2. 阀杆的多样性
  3. 阀杆
  4. 滑铁卢雪松瀑布快递员