
对歧视的指控, the College will follow the 解决歧视投诉的程序 (“过程”). The 过程 provides a written notification of the right to file a complaint and instructions on how to do so. 如程序所示, 为展开正式调查,必须填写歧视投诉表格.

Individuals with disabilities will be furnished appropriate auxiliary aids or services necessary to ensure that communications are effective. Persons not familiar with English shall be provided with a written or oral translation into the language understood by them. Persons may request additional assistance and shall be advised of each right to the satisfaction of that person’s understanding.


All 员工s have the responsibility to report any allegations of discrimination to Human Resource Services and/or to the Title IX Coordinator(s).


I. 投诉程序的适用性 ¹

A. 投诉类别

这些程序规定了解决学生投诉的要求, 未来的学生, 员工, 就业申请人, or any other interested person alleging that an employment or academic decision was based on factors other than relevant employment and academic criteria at 靠谱买球app推荐 (the “College”). 具体地说, any person who believes that he or she or any specific class of individuals has been subjected to discrimination on the basis of sex; race; age; color; creed; national origin; religion; disability; sexual orientation; gender identity; genetic information; political affiliation or actual or potential parental, 家庭, 或者婚姻状况, 活动, 或雇用惯例有权提出正式投诉. 退伍军人身份也包括在法律规定的范围内.

B. 管辖范围内

这些程序适用于管理学院的就业实践, 教育项目, 和活动, 包括招聘, 入学, 咨询与指导, 课程选择和安置, 促进/保留就业. 这种管理可以由学院员工执行, 或者偶尔由学生处理学校事务 ².

If conducting business or participating in training at other educational organizations or training sites, a complainant may choose to first utilize and exhaust the complaint/grievance procedure of the educational organization or training site before filing a complaint under Section IV with the College. 员工或学生可以选择先提出投诉, 或者解决得不尽如人意, 按照第四节的规定.

II. 保密

提供有关资料的人士的身分, 或者协助, 对投诉的调查应尽可能保密, 符合正当程序和对问题的公平裁决.

3. 以

No individual will be discharged or discriminated against in any manner because the individual filed a complaint or has testified in any proceeding or investigation relating to the College.

IV. 过程

A. 非正式的投诉

投诉人应联络人力资源服务部门提出非正式投诉. A staff person will be assigned to hear the complaint and assist in the resolution of the concern. Lodging an informal complaint is voluntary on the part of the complainant and does not replace or eliminate the right to file a formal complaint.

B. 非正式投诉/正式投诉

1. 书面投诉

If a complainant is dissatisfied with the resolution of an informal complaint or wishes to proceed to filing a formal written complaint, 投诉人可填写一份 歧视投诉表格[pdf]. Printed forms are available in the Human Resource Services Office or Dean of 学生’s Office. A Discrimination Complaint Form must be completed in order to initiate a formal investigation. The completed Discrimination Complaint Form should be 提交ted to the 股本协调员 or Title IX Coordinator(s).

在收到歧视投诉后, a notice of the complaint will be prepared and sent to the person(s) named in the complaint and to the President of the College containing:

  1. 投诉人的身份(除非已履行保密要求):
  2. 被控罪行的日期;
  3. 歧视投诉表格副本或有关投诉摘要.


2. 调查

The 股本协调员 or applicable Title IX Coordinator will assign an investigator/complaint officer to investigate the complaint. 调查期间:

  1. 调查人员将会见投诉人和任何指定的人士。. 这样做的时候, 每个人都可以陈述自己对事件的看法, 提供任何支持性证据, 向调查员确认目击证人.
  2. During interviews, a person may be accompanied by a silent representative/support person/steward. The silent representative or support person will be not be allowed to provide information to the investigator or ask questions of the party during the interview process.
  3. 调查员将会见所有已确认身份的证人, 没有令人信服的理由不能进行面谈. 调查员将, 根据调查中收集到的信息, determine based on a preponderance of the evidence whether the alleged discrimination occurred in violation of College policy.

调查员将 provide a Resolution Decision to the complainant and any named person(s) which states the Investigator’s finding of whether the alleged discrimination occurred, 对投诉人的任何个人补救措施, 以及对上诉过程的描述. 如果调查人员确定指定人员应受到额外制裁, 此人将收到制裁通知.

解决决定应在三十(30)天内提供给各方** 但如果有正当理由,可能需要更长的时间. 在任何情况下,决议决议均不得迟于九十(90)天交付** 申诉提出之日起.

C. 向总统的呼吁

如果投诉人, 或者被人投诉, 对决议不满意, 可向主席提出上诉. 要提出上诉,必须在十(10)天内向主席提交书面请求** 收到决议决定的日期. 校长或校长指定人员将审查案件和调查员的档案, 并发出上诉决议通知书.

上诉决议通知应在三十(30)天内提供给双方** 提交上诉的时间,但如果有正当理由,可能会更长. In no event shall the Appeal Resolution Notice be delivered later than ninety (90) days of the date the Appeal was filed.

V. 制裁决议/

Resolutions of discrimination complaints may include a broad range of remedies to eliminate and/or remediate instances of discrimination, 并将根据具体情况作出决定. 补救措施包括撤销学业或就业决定, 或者为投诉人提供便利,比如心理咨询, 选择生活, 工作, 交通安排和学术住宿. 补救措施还可能包括对从事歧视的个人进行制裁, 从警告到开除/终止雇佣关系.

Individuals with disabilities will be furnished appropriate auxiliary aids or services necessary to ensure that communications are effective through this procedure. Persons not familiar with English shall be provided with a written or oral translation into the language understood by them. Persons may request additional assistance and shall be advised of each right to the satisfaction of the person’s understanding.

有关投诉程序的查询可直接向公平协调员提出, 靠谱买球app推荐, 东橙路1501号, P.O. 8015箱, Waterloo, Iowa 50704-8015; telephone 319-296-4405; 电子邮件股本-titleIX@ah5z.net.


¹ If a complainant believes he or she has been the subject of sexual harassment and/or any other form of sexual misconduct as defined in the College’s 不当性行为政策 (including domestic violence, 约会暴力, 性侵犯, 或跟踪), 投诉人应根据不当性行为政策举报或投诉, 可在学院网站上查阅. Inquiries regarding reports or complaints of sexual misconduct can be directed to the Title IX Coordinator for 员工s at (319) -296-4405 or the Title IX Coordinator for students at (319) -296-4448.

2禁止学院员工歧视. Some discriminatory actions taken by College 员工s may not be considered in the scope of employment with the College. 除了, complaints of discrimination/harassment against individual students or student organizations may be referred to the Dean of 学生.



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